Four Miniatures for Flute and Bb Clarinet (1981)
I wrote these miniatures back in the spring of my freshman year at Indiana University. Even though I wrote these miniatures over twenty years ago, I find in them the things that always interest me. There's a South American flavor that infiltrates these pieces. Rhythms work as a unifying component throughout them. For instance, they all used imitation as a common denominator. The first and third are the shorter ones of the set, the second one seeks to evoke an intimate and spiritual mood. The last is a bright and sparkly one with groupings of three against two, which has become a recurrent element in my music.
Efraín Amaya
Instrumentation: Flute & Clarinet
Duration: ca. 3:30
Four Miniatures - 1981 (flute & clarinet) 3:30 (four movements) Score $30.00
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